The U.Plan was the best choice for one family due to its many benefits, the school selection in Massachusetts, the ability to lock in tuition rates, the great customer service, and ease of use.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn about the amount of the state tax deduction, how it works, which plans qualify, what documentation is needed, and more. …
By Shaun Connolly    |
This tax season, families should evaluate their family finances and consider increasing contributions toward your U.Fund or U.Plan account, or open an account to begin saving.…
By Lisa Rooney    |
Facts include 2 savings plans in Massachusetts, $0 in fees for saving in the U.Fund and U.Plan, 72 participating U.Plan schools, $10,000 eligible to use from a U.Fund for K-12 tuition expenses, and more.…
By Meredith Clement    |
If you're getting a late start on saving for college, consider a college savings account, take advantage of college gifting, have your child contribute, adjust your strategy, and review your investment options. …
By Lauren Danz    |
Steps including selecting a college savings program, deciding how much and how often to save, and getting family and friends involved. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
Learn if you have to be a Massachusetts resident to save with the U.Plan, how the U.Plan is considered when applying for financial aid, if Tuition Certificates are transferable, if family members can add to an account, and more. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn if it's ever too late to open a 529 account, if you can use 529 funds for daycare expenses, how to save with multiple children, how you withdraw 529 funds, how grandparent 529 accounts work, and more.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to select allocations for maturity years, how to choose a maturity year, and the difference between saving in one or multiple maturity years. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |
The U.Fund offers flexibility, can be used for qualified education expenses, and is invested in the market. The U.Plan offers peace of mind, can be used for tuition and mandatory fees, and is invested in bonds. …
By Jonathan Hughes    |