Tips include how to address the Additional Information section, Activities section, and University Member Page, and answering the need-based aid Common App question.…
By Christina Davidson    |
Learn the definition of a gap year, the reasons for and benefits of taking one, gap year options, financial considerations, how to prepare, and where you can get more information.…
By Christina Davidson    |
Tips include using net price calculators, finding colleges that want you, learning about merit aid options, researching alumni earnings, asking questions on tours, and considering community colleges…
By Meredith Clement    |
Top blog post topics include the CSS Profile, the FAFSA, financial aid, scholarships, and college admissions …
By Meredith Clement    |
Tips focus on chosen major, the city, transportation, other students, perspective, activities, class size, study space, and food…
By Meredith Clement    |
Topics include switching the application type, reasons not to apply EA and ED, chances of acceptance, financial aid, and repercussions on not accepting an ED offer.…
By Andrew Carter    |
Consider attributes you want in a school, majors you are interested in, and current GPA and test scores when building your college list. …
By Shaun Connolly    |
Learn how to find a college that is strong for a particular major or interest, the average cost of a college application, when to start filling in the Common App, and how long the college essay should be. …
By Meredith Clement    |
A Senior Associate Director of Admissions answers questions including how admissions offices handle missed or swapped classes, how students can be the best applicants, and how this year's deferrals may impact next year's admissions. …
By Andrew Carter    |
Tips including asking questions about the school, such as how many students make it to graduation and how many other students are in the major you are interested in, and understanding the truth on college myths, such as needing to decide on a major before getting to college. …
By Dr. Tim Poynton, Richard Lapan    |