Tips include how to address the Additional Information section, Activities section, and University Member Page, and answering the need-based aid Common App question.…
By Christina Davidson    |
Learn how to find a college that is strong for a particular major or interest, the average cost of a college application, when to start filling in the Common App, and how long the college essay should be. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn what it means to apply Early Decision (ED), Early Decision II, Early Action (EA), Restrictive Early Action (REA), Single Choice Early Action (SCEA), Rolling Admission, and Regular Decision. …
By Lisa Albro    |
Learn about the holistic approach to college admissions, the benefits for the institution and the student, how students can see if a school will actually be a good fit, and how to maximize your chances of getting in.…
By Danielle O'Connell, Jonathan Sparling    |
A counselor shares why this is an important topic, what she is hearing from students, how she helps her students navigate this and find additional colleges, how she motivates students, tricky situations she encounters, and what parents can do to help. …
By Jodi Then, Julie Shields-Rutyna    |
Topics include how to share hobbies that are not official groups or clubs, finding full-need schools, college interviews, the cost of admissions applications, and applying to out-of-state colleges. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Steps include finalizing your list, getting your letters of recommendation, finishing your essay, making sure you've sent official test scores, meeting with your school counselor, and hitting submit. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Topics include share your cause, think about who you admire, reflect on how you've grown, talk about a challenge, describe something you love, brag a bit, and share something new. …
By Meredith Clement    |
Use this tool to keep track of school names, admissions deadlines, required standardized tests (if any), required financial aid applications, financial aid deadlines, and notes.…
By Meredith Clement    |
Learn how to complete the additional information section, activities section, and university member page. …
By Nicole Kelman    |