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Resource Center MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 6
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Resource Center MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 6

MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 6

MyCAP Curriculum Guide Grade 6

MyCAP Curriculum Guide
Grade 6

This MyCAP Curriculum Guide outlines suggested activities in MEFA Pathway that tie into the objectives identified within the three MyCAP domains: personal social fulfilment, career development and education, and academic planning. Learn more about our MyCAP Curriculum Guides.


Personal Social Career Development Education Academic College & Career Planning

  • Demonstrate self-awareness by identifying personal and cultural values of themselves and others, personal strengths and limitations, and selfconfidence
  • Demonstrate personal responsibility by asking for help, managing emotions, respecting others, and engaging in positive social interactions

  • Recognize and understand basic career vocabulary
  • Understand the variety of career clusters and the job opportunities available to them
  • Identify careers of interests matched to their skills, talents, and passions

  • Demonstrate key executive functioning skills necessary for academic success, such as organization and time management
  • Understand the importance of passing all of their courses for entry into high school
MEFA Pathway Lesson Plans
  • Register for a MEFA Pathway account
  • Complete interests, values, & skills assessments
  • Create two personal goals in Goals & Strategies
  • Participate in a class-wide mini career fair. Create posters of jobs available in different career clusters. Students with like interests should work with each other
  • Create a pamphlet titled Guide to Middle School Success either individually or in small groups. If possible, present the pamphlet to incoming middle school students

*Indicates lesson plan coming soon